Beauty …

Beauty is and should be reflected in all colors, shapes, quirks, imperfections, amputations, abilities and inabilities. Unfortunately, We live in a world where that is still not the norm - it’s kind of wild. Not only is this clear in the beauty industry, it's even more obvious in the ads and campaigns that many beauty & fashion houses run. I'm not saying the beauty industry hasn't gotten better over the past few years - but, lets just be real here, there is still a very long way to go before we see full inclusion; we can’t count on Rihanna to do everything (or can we?!).

A Woman of Color is someone with beautiful natural melanated skin [naturally olive/tan/brown skin] - to be more specific, Black, Mexican, Indian, Afro-Cuban, West Indian, Boricua, you get my point. Donna Di Colore is the new companion for today's woman of color - the Donna Di Colore project will feature road trips, day trips and whatever else falls in between.

Donna Di Colore is here to stimulate your senses with images that reflect the beauty in our world & diversity within ourselves; with explicit emphasis on all that is brown, From the deepest umber to the lightest shades of sand. I want to celebrate all that is brown skin & all that is female. So cheers to sparking conversation and stimulating your creative itch - Happy Living!!

We hope to bring you content reflecting grace, beauty, culture & our truth. Thank you for visiting.

 Continue to Donna Di Colore —>


You were born to be free; live with no regrets.

You were born to be free; live with no regrets.

You are Goddess - you are power & strength.

Follow me down the rabbit hole @Rulookinatme2