Laugh More - It's Infectious

When was the last time you had a good laugh, like a really good one? Most adults don’t even crack a smile, rarely belt out a laugh out, not even a giggle or two . Yeah, life is stress, sometimes caused by self sometimes not, bad things happen. Blah, blah, blah, yeah we know. So when times aren’t bad or stressful what are we doing?

Bruting. Stressing. Steaming. Hurting. That shit is going to happen no matter what. It’s life, in all her glory however long or short; this is our only known shot. Are we appreciating the peaceful moments? The moments when kids are laughing, the moments when a funny story is being told? Are you even being social, in real life? Whoa!

A true smile means and says so much - we should be striving to make one another smile & laugh more. We humans truly know how to be miserable - hell, we’ve mastered it. We all need to and can do better; stop giving and being misery’s company. Give happiness & gratitude your energy, find reasons to laugh more, discover what makes you smile more. Make something for someone. Spend time with one another, we seriously have got to be better to one another.

I wish you 1000 years or joy and happiness & strength to see the good through the pain.