A Long Time Coming - A Poem

It started with a low rumble, them a mild boom, until finally a fiery eruption with ear piercing claps of thunderous cries. We … the people are beginning to see - shit ain’t so sweet hanging from those old oak trees. To feel like a broken tree limb falling from a mighty tree. Mental manipulation from the start; loathing and fear fed to the heart filling the mind with a pool of rage. Drown.

To take the help from the oppressors is social suicide - they are not here for the greater good only the bottom line. This web is so tangled, stop supporting here pick up support there, where does this all stop? Voting? Yeah right, what a tangled web they weave. More lies and even more deceit - there will always be a war on BLACK and not by the community. Black is evil. Black is sin. Black is inhuman. Black. is bad. Black is animal. Black. Black. Black.

To be hated so, to be pushed in to urban pens, jailed to no end - it’s so unfair. The weight of it all, from birth you have all the strikes against you. Don’t think about it, the weight is so crushing. Think about it, the weight is so crushing. Think of, all of the ancestors taken, the healers, the teachers, the lovers, the mothers, the fathers, the brothers, the sisters. GONE. SOLD. KILLED. GONE. Mass extermination since day one, disposable bodies since day one, nothing since day one.

The People. The Humans. The Beings. The GREATNESS. We forget about the resilience, we forget about the strength; taught to hate one another, taught to hate where we came from.


We have learned. We will not forget. We embrace, love and respect our history. Oh how we are angry over our history. and cry over our history. The future is now. Take the dirt and take the glory, but know who you are and know your story. There is empowerment in knowing!